Deleting a line type is done using the <BACKSPACE> key. Position the insertion point next to the line type and then press the <BACKSPACE> key to delete lines, one at a time.You can delete all the lines of a particular type, but you must leave at least one detail line.
To add a line type, use the <Return> key at the beginning of the line.
Note: If a second detail line is added, with auto headers turned on, then add another header line.
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4.7 The Ruler
The design window will contain a ruler at the top. This ruler is used to
- indicate the report width
- set the centering position of titles
- set tabs
- assist in positioning fields on the report
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4.7.1 Report Width
The Ruler will show the default width of the report with the << symbol. This can be changed by selecting Page Setup from the File menu.
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4.7.2 Centering of Fields & Text
Generally the default centering position for the automatic banner and report titles is the center of the ruler. If the ruler is changed, the center position is changed.
A ^ symbol to the left of the ruler is used to indicate the centering position. If the ^ is on the left side of the ruler, the centering position is the mid-way mark on the report width. On a report 8 1/2 inches wide, this would be at 4 1/4 inches. If you would like to keep the report width the same, yet change the centering position for titles, drag the ^ symbol to the point on the ruler that you wish to use as the new centering position. The centering position will then move over to that position.
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4.7.3 Setting Tabs
The ruler contains a diamond, which is the tab symbol, in the left corner of the window.
To create additional tab stops, drag the tab over to the new location. A new tab will be created. You can add as many tabs as are needed.
To delete an existing tab, click the tab and it will clear when the mouse button is released.
To move an existing tab, click the tab to select it, and then drag it to the new location. The tab will change positions when the mouse button is released.
When a field is added to a detail line, it will automatically add a tab stop. If you have more than one detail line, the tab stops will have to be manually adjusted.
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4.8 Positioning Layout Selections
Before you make design window selections, you should note where the insertion point is, because that determines where the selections will appear on the layout and on the printed report.
Also turn on or off the graphics mode by selecting Show Tools or Hide Tools from the Layout menu.
You can add or delete lines as needed.
You can set tabs and change the line centering position, using the ruler.
You can make changes to a line by highlighting that line and then making new design selections.
You can change the position of the insertion point on the line by inserting spaces with the space bar.
You can edit existing design selections. See Chapter 11, Editing the Design.
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5.1 Designing your Report
Here are the basic steps to getting a report using the Atlantis™ Data Publisher.
- Start the program; the design window will appear.
- Open a file; this can be an existing file (report) or start a new one
- Select data to include in the report from the Data menu. Also select any special formats, calculations, conditional printing of fields, and others from the Data menu
- Format the design with text editing, like a word processor
- Do your Desktop publishing, using the Layout menu
- Run the report, using the Publish menu
This chapter covers the selections which can be made from the Data menu. They can include:
- file names
- field names
- sort fields
- fields from other files
- literal text values
- system date and time
- page numbers
There are many additional options available after field names. They are listed in the dialog box. See Appendix A for a full list. Here are some example options after field name selections:
- setting the field as a total break
- performing mathematical calculations
- conditional printing of fields
- special output formats
This chapter covers the basics on selecting data for your design. The more advanced features are covered in other chapters.
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5.2 Selecting the Data
Select Choose File... from the Data menu. Select the file from which you will be drawing most of your data.
Then select Choose Fields... from the Data menu. All fields from the data file selected will appear, listed alphabetically.
Before you select fields, you may want to make a general layout of your report on paper, including how you will want it sorted and subtotalled. This could help you select the fields in the right order, especially if you need to sort and subtotal.
To select a field, select Choose Fields... from the Data menu. Move the pointer to the field name you need. Then double-click the field name. A dialog box will show the field name. You can add to the field name, and each extension will appear in the dialog box until you finish the entry. Click OK at any time to save the selections as they appear in the dialog box. Or, select Complete Field Choices.
The pointer will then reposition to the next available column on the design window (allowing for one space between field selections).
After you have made a field selection, xs or 0/9s will appear on the design, showing the width and output format of the field. You will not see field names on the screen, but the column headings will give you a description.
Select the fields in the order that you want them to appear across the report, from left to right. If you wish to use subtotals, select the field that will be the largest subtotal group first.
The field names will appear on the status line at the top of the design window when the insertion point is in the field.
Use Special Commands to get these choices:
- select a field from another file
- use parenthesis
- enter literal text value
- enter Special values
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5.3 Options after Field Selections
Once you have selected a field, the options box will display the options that can be applied to that field selection. As each selection is made, a new list of options will appear. (See Appendix A for a full list of options after field name selections.)
As selections are made, they will appear in the dialog box, at the top of the Choose Fields window, in the order selected. To save the field, click OK. To cancel the selections, click Cancel, and start over.
Since there are so many options available after selecting a field, they are not all listed in this chapter. You may the program can do!
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5.4 Selecting Fields from other Files
If you would like to include a field from another file (not the main file selected above), then select Choose Fields... from the Data menu. Select Special Commands and Field from another File. You can then select a file, and any of its field names.
This is quite a powerful feature of the program. Here's how it works. The first file selected for your report contains a field which matches up with a field in the second file. It is this common field which allows the second file to be accessed. Once the second file is opened, then you can select any other fields from that file.
A file relationship of this type must be defined in order for this feature to work. If file names appear when you select Field from Another File, then file relationships are defined.
If nothing is available, see Chapter 18 of this User's Guide. Or, better yet, call your dealer or consultant.
Once you have selected the field(s) from the second file, select Done with second file to get back to the window which contains field names from the first file.
You may want to sketch out an overview or map of your data files to see which relationships exist, and how they should be defined. If you purchased the program with the files and fields defined for you, then this information should be included. (If not, ask for it!)
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5.5 Literal Text Values
You can add text to your report. You can either type in right on the design, exactly as you want it to appear. Or, you can use the special command of Enter literal text value. You will be given a space to enter the text. This is useful if you want to combine text with a field name or subtotal.
Example: "Dear",first name;":"
Note the line type used for entering text, and how it will appear on your report:
If you type the text onto an H (heading) line type, it will appear at the top of every page.
If you type the text onto a D (detail) line type, it will appear on each line of the report.
If you type the text onto a subtotal line type, it will appear only when a subtotal is calculated.
If you type onto an F (footer) line type, it will appear at the bottom of each page.
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5.6 Entering Special Values
You can use special values to include any of the following in your report design:
- System Date
- System Time
- Page Number
- Force a new line
- Force a new page
To use any of these special values, first select Special Commands from the Choose Fields selection window.
The system date and time are taken from the timekeeping device in your computer.
Page numbers are calculated based on the default supplied with the program, or modified to the page size you enter by using the options box.
Force a new line is used to get a new line. Force a new page is used to start a new page after a selection. This is useful for reports in which you want to start a new page for each record in your data file.
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5.7 Choose When
Select Choose When... from the Data menu. This selection allows you to tell the program when to include a record in a report. This is an optional step. See Chapter Ten for full details on this useful feature.
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5.8 Sorting the Report
Select Sort By... from the Data menu. This selection allows you to determine the fields that will be used to sort the report. If you do not select any sort fields, the report information will be listed in the same order as it is in the data file and your subtotals might not make sense.
When selecting sort fields, start with the largest group that you want in your final report. This field should also be included in the design to the left of any other sort fields and should be selected first when you select sort fields. You can select as many sort fields as will fit in the space provided.
If you will be setting a field as a total break, then select that field as a sort field here. Your sort fields should be selected in the same order as your level breaks are set.
After you have selected sort fields for your design, there will be a check mark next to Sort By.... You can change your sort fields by selecting Sort By... again. You can make changes or delete the sort fields and start over.
You have a choice between ascending order or descending order. Ascending order will perform the sort from A-Z on letters and 0-9 on numbers.
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5.9 Show Fields
Use this feature to display the fields selected for your report, including any field extensions or other modifications. Select Show Fields from the Data menu. This will show you all of the objects behind the formats that are shown on the design window.
The list will include the line type, line number, column number, and then field or literal. Here is a sample Show Fields display:
This feature allows you to see information not visible in the design window, such as mathematical calculations, conditional printing, subtotal levels and other entries added to field names. You can make changes to the fields using this option.
You can get a printout of your fields. First select Show Fields from the Data menu. Then select Print Show Fields from the File menu. This is especially useful if want to check your report design.
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6.1 Fonts - General
Use the Font menu to change the font or type characteristics of any text in your report layout. You can change the size, typeface, style and color. When you select fonts, they are then included as part of the layout and will be used by the program when running the report.
Changing fonts is an optional feature. If no fonts are selected, the report writer will use the default fonts, supplied with the program, as seen in the design windows.
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6.2 Font
If you are selecting a font to use throughout the report layout, position the insertion point at the beginning of the document; then select a font. All text entered following that point will use that font.
The available fonts will be listed in the box. The font checked in the Font Menu is the one currently in use.
To change a font for only part of the document, highlight the text for which you want the font changed, and then again select Font from the Font menu and choose another font. The new font will remain in use until changed.
You can change fonts as often as needed for one report.
In addition to changing fonts, you can specify the style, size, and color while you have the text highlighted. These options are explained in the following sections.
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6.3 Style
Use this selection to change the style of a selected section of text. First, highlight the block of text that you want to change, and then select Style from the Font menu. The available styles are listed in the box.
The style in effect for the highlighted text will be indicated by a check mark. Multiple styles can be used within each layout.
Selecting a checked item will "unselect" it or reverse the setting. For example, you would select Italic a second time to make text that is already in italic into non-italicized text.
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6.4 Size
Use this selection to change the size of a font. Highlight the section to be changed; then select Set Size... from the Font menu. You can choose the correct size for your font.
If you want a size that is not listed, select other and then enter the point size for the font.
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6.5 Color
Use the pointer to select the area to change (if you have not already done so), and then select Color... from the Font menu.
You can choose a color and other options, as listed on the screen. You may need to experiment with this feature a bit to get exactly what you want, as there are several degrees of brightness, hue and saturation available.
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7.1 Arithmetic
Use Arithmetic to perform simple mathematical functions such as:
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division
- exponents
You can use Arithmetic with another field or a literal text value (a number). Selections should be made using detail lines. You can, however, combine arithmetic calculations with calculations based on subtotal levels. See later chapters.
Here is an example selection using arithmetic:
- <choose fields>,
- <Add to Field>
- <OK>
You can see the field in the dialog box, as you are making selections.
Here is another example, using a literal text value:
- <choose fields>
- AROPEN AMOUNT ONE - <Multiply by Field>
- <special commands>
- <enter literal text value>
- 10
- <OK>
to get: AROPEN AMOUNT ONE * "10"
The program inserts the quotation marks around the 10 automatically.
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7.2 Arithmetic - Combining Calculations
You can include more than one calculations in a field entry. Note the order in which the program performs calculations. As you can see, parentheses are at the top of the list. Any entry in parentheses will be looked at first by the program.
1. ( ) parentheses
2. * multiplication
3. / division
4. + addition
5. - subtraction
As an example, you may want to subtract the product cost from the sale amount, before calculating the commission due on the net income.
Example: income amt-product cost*comm amt
In the above example, the multiplication would be done first, since it is higher on the evaluation order. You would get the wrong answer on your report. Use parentheses to subtract first.
Use the special commands of open parentheses and
close parentheses. As an example, select:
- <choose fields>
- <special commands>
- <use parentheses>
- income amt
- <Subtract from Field>
- product cost
- <close parentheses>
- <Multiply by Field>
- comm percent
- OK
to get: (income amt-product cost)*comm percent
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7.3 Multiple Parentheses
If you need to do several calculations, you can use more than one set of parentheses. You must ensure that you have two to a set, though. When using more than one set of parentheses, the innermost set in looked at first by the program.
Example: ((inc amt-prod cost)*comm pct)+"500"
In the above example, the (inc amt-prod cost) is the innermost set of parentheses. That calculation is done first. If you would like to review your entry, choose Show Fields... from the Data menu.
If you would like to quickly reposition the parentheses or make other changes to the calculation, select Edit a Field from the Edit menu. The calculation will appear in a window in which you can type any changes you wish, or delete the entire calculation and begin again. This is sometimes easier than starting over on a field.
Note: When using parentheses, it is possible to generate the error message Too Many Windows. To avoid this, the application size may be increased from the Finder. Choose Get Info with the Atlantis™ Data Publisher selected, and then change the Application Memory Size.
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8.1 Graphics
The Atlantis™ Data Publisher has a Tool Window that you can open from the Layout menu. These tools allow you to add desktop publishing graphical design to a report. Examples includes pictures, boxes, lines, circles, ovals, colors, patterns, and text. This powerful feature of the program allows you to create a report which will be noticed and admired!
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8.2 The Layout Menu
To start, open a file, either an existing report, or start a new one (if you have not already done so).
Once the file is opened, you can add to the design, through the Data menu and/or the Layout menu. Use the Data menu to choose file and field names, calculations and so forth. Use the Layout selections to select the graphics for your report.
You can go back and forth between the two menus. You may want to start your report by first selecting all of the data. Or you may want to start with the graphical part of the report, and then select the data fields.
You can also read in other files which contain all of your basic graphical set-ups already done for you.
The Layout menu includes these options:
- Show Tools
- Move Forward
- Move to Front
- Move Backward- Move to Back
When you select Show Tools, more icons display, allowing you to select objects, boxes, lines, drawings, etc. You can also change the color, pattern, line width, etc.
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8.3 Using the Publishing Tools
Select Show Tools from the Publish menu. Here is a sample Tool bar!
There are three sections in the tool window. The first section contains 16 icons. The top 14 icons are the standard icons used to draw lines, circles, boxes, ovals, arrows and other shapes. And the next two are used to import fields and pictures.
The second icon section is used to show the current pen and color, and to show the fill pattern and color. The darkened icon is the one in use. This section of icons can be chosen by double-clicking on it.
The last section includes four icons. The top two bring up color and pattern menus. The next shows the line thickness, and the last one brings up a dialog box showing the font, size, styles, etc. You can move the pattern and color menus to the bottom of your design.
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8.4 Editing Objects
The Arrow (first selection on the toolbar) is used to edit objects. Click on the arrow and then select an object. The object will be marked with dots. Once the object is selected, you can use the mouse and standard editing features to move it, copy it, enlarge it or do anything else needed.
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8.5 Lines, Squares, Ovals and Shapes
Click on the object in the Toolbar and drag it to your layout. Drag the cursor to size it, and then let go.
You can move it be clicking on it again and dragging to another location. Use the standard editing features when editing the shapes, and lines.
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8.6 Adding Pictures
Click on the Picture icon to include a picture in your layout. In the design, click down and drag open the area to put the picture in. Then release the mouse. A dialog box will come up, allowing you to choose the disk file which contains the picture.
Another way of adding pictures is by using cut and paste from the system scrapbook, for example.
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8.7 Adding Fields
You can add fields to your layout, using the toolbar. Click on the hard drive icon. This selection is the same as selecting Choose Fields from the Data menu. Select the field name to include in the report.
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8.8 Pen Pattern & Color
Click on the pattern icon, to change the fill pattern of your circle, rectangle, oval, etc.
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9.1 General
Use the Publish menu after designing your report. The Data and/or Layout menus are used first to design the report. Then use the Publish menu to run it. When a report is run, the data from your data files is added to the text and/or graphics in your Designer file.
The report goes from the Designer to the Writer. The Writer publishs the report. The Writer can be used to run the report over and over again.
The Publish menu contains these options:
Before actually running the report, you may want to define your Page Setup, Print Design information, and Save the layout file. More information on these selections is given in this chapter. These selections are listed on the File menu and are selected while in the design window for the report.
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9.2 Page Setup
Select Page Setup... from the File menu to select the information for your printer. Selections include:
- paper size
- reduction or enlargement
- orientation (eg, sideways on page)
- printer effects
- options
The page setup options may vary, depending on your printer. Make your selections, and then click OK.
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9.3 Print Design
Select Print Design... from the File menu to select other print information, including:
- number of copies
- which pages to print
- whether or not to print cover page
- paper source (feeding from which tray)
- color
Options may vary, depending on your printer. Make selections and then click OK.
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9.4 Saving the Design
Once you have the basic design created, and have selected your printer options, we suggest that you save the design before running the report. (The design is not automatically saved when you run the report.) Select Save Design from the File menu.
If you want to save the report design under another name, select Save as... from the File menu and then enter a new name.
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9.5 Publishing the Report
Select Publish from Designer.. from the File menu. These options will appear:
- Output destination
- Summary Report
- Select How Many- Process How Many
- Special Form Size
as shown in the window.
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9.5.1 Output
You can output the report to any one of the following:
- your computer screen
- your printer
- a Visicalc .DIF file
- a tab-delimited .TAB file
- a fixed length records .FIX file
- a comma-delimited .SDF file
- a dBASE .DBF file
- a Multiplan SYLK file
- a Lotus .WKS file
If you are planning to use this data in another application, check that program's documentation to see which format it can use.
Screen output.
If you output the report to the screen, you can use the scroll bar to view the report. You can use the mouse in the up arrow and/or the page up area to view an earlier part of the report as output so far. You can also use the horizontal scroll bar to view the right side of the report, if it is wider than the screen.
You can scroll to the bottom of the report, and the program will resume outputting the report to the screen.
You can pause the display of the report by picking up the thumb on the vertical scroll bar, or by clicking on either the page up or line up. To resume, move the thumb back to the bottom. Due to memory restrictions, only a few pages are available at one time to be browsed through.
Printer Output
If you output the report to printer, it will also be displayed on the screen as it is printing. You can scroll through the report on the screen, as described above.
File/spreadsheet output
You can print your report to file in any of the formats listed above. The name for the file created will consist of the designer document name, followed by the file extension for the file type selected (eg. report.wks).
You can also use this output feature to transfer data from one format to another. The Atlantis™ Data Publisher reads the data in its existing format (you create the Design) and outputs it in another type of format. While there is a lot of power in this facility, some judgment must be used. For example, a report outputting to a .DBF file should have a single detail line with no tabs or one-to-many relations.
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9.5.2 Summary Report
The program default does not select to print a summary report. However, click the box to the left of Summary Report, in the Run Report dialog box, if you would like to have your report printed with summary information only.
No detail lines will be included in the report, only headings, summary totals (line 1-9 specifications) and footers. Check that you have entered descriptive information on your subtotal lines so that you are able to identify the subtotals when you print a summary report.
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9.5.3 Select How Many
The program will default to including all records of the data file in your report. However, if you would like to include only a certain number of records, click the box at the left of Select How Many, then enter the number of records that you would like to include on your printed report.
If you have entered any selection criteria using the Choose When dialog box (see Chapter 9), it is important to note that your selection count here will be calculated after the record selections are done, so it is likely that more records will be processed than selected.
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9.5.4 Process How Many
The program will default to processing all records in the file when preparing the report. If you would like to process only a portion of the data file, click the box at Process How Many, then enter the number of records that you would like to process.
Note that if you have entered any selection criteria in your design, your printed report may include fewer records than you chose to process here.
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9.5.5 Special Form Size
Use this selection to enter a special form size. The program will default to 11 inches. However, if your paper is a different size, click this selection and enter the size.
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9.5.6 Running the Report
After selecting your printing destination and selecting any additional options, if necessary, click OK to file that information and start processing. If you are printing the report to a special file format, enter the document name with the output extension (eg report.wks).
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9.6 Saving the Writer
Once you have published the Report from the Designer at least once, you can save the Writer. You can then run the report from the Writer (instead of the Designer), to save time.
If you make changes to the report design, run the report again from the Designer, and Save the Writer.
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10.1 Choosing When
This feature of the Atlantis™ Data Publisher allows you to select or exclude certain records for your report. As an example, you may have several months worth of data in a file and only want last month's data. You can use Choose When from the Design menu to include only last month's data in the report.
Note: If you want to do a test on a field only, not the entire record, refer to Chapter 11, Conditional Printing (If Tests).
To use this feature, select Choose When from the Design menu, and then select the field on which to base the test. Selections in the dialog box after that field indicate the test. Following is an example:
- select <Choose When> from the Design menu
- <Greater than or equal to>
- <Enter literal text value>
- 01/01/91
The example above would produce records for the record only when the transaction date is later than January 1, 1991.
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10.2 Combining Choose When Tests
You can combine more than one choose when test in a report. Use & to indicate and and : to indicate or.
If you use and, both sides of the test must be true before the record is included in the report.
If you use or, either one of the tests must be true before the record is included, but both of the tests do not have to be true.
As an example, select
- <Choose When> from the Design menu
- <greater than or equal to>
- <enter literal text value>
- 01/01/91
- <and>
- <lesser than or equal to>
- <enter literal text value>
- 01/31/91
- <OK>
The example above would produce records for the report only when transaction date occurs in January of 1991.
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10.3 Multiple Choose When Tests
You can combine several choose when tests for one report. Use as many parentheses as are needed to indicate the order of evaluation. You can edit the field to add them.
For example, you may want to write a report from your salesman commissions file to include records for one salesman, for one month, if the amount received is greater than zero.
Additionally, even if the above are true, you don't want to include the test unless the product type is YYY.
However, if any record contains the customer code of VIP, you want to include it for sure, no matter what. You test may look something like this:
((salesman="ABC")&(sale date>="01/01/91")&
(sale date<="01/31/91")&(amt recd>"0")&
(prod type="YYY")):(cust code="VIP")
Note that one side of the or symbol includes many tests. The tests are grouped together by one set of parentheses.
The other side of the Or (:) contains just one test. If either side is true, then the reco